Building Summers, School Years, and Futures Together
From a wide range of academic and STEAM courses, weekly swimming lessons, and regular field trips, Horizons students engage in year-round valuable learning and fun! Learn More
Become a Horizons Partner
With your help, we can change the
future of families across San Diego
by giving more children the opportunities
to grow the confidence, knowledge and
skills they need to build their own
successful futures.
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The Challenge
As a result of learning lost during the pandemic, we are facing an education crisis of historic proportions. One that will be felt for years to come — even generations — if we don’t act immediately. Horizons at Parker exists to meet this moment and advance equitable learning opportunities for students. Help us expand educational equity

Inspiring. Building. Transforming.

We Believe in the Promise of
Opportunity for All Children

The Problem The Problem Inequities in access to technology, the arts, regular exercise, and healthy food result in gaps in vocabulary, academic and social/emotional skills, creativity, and health that have a profound impact on student achievement, engagement, and individual life success.
The Opportunity The Opportunity Horizons’ tuition-free, Pre-K-8 program hosted at Francis Parker School, provides under-served students a year-round program including a 6-week intensive session with outside of school connections that help close learning gaps, teach lifelong skills, and build needed support systems.
The Results The Results Higher school attendance translates into improved academic outcomes. Students demonstrate increased self-esteem, better grades, love of learning, and endless future possibilities.
98% HORIZONS STUDENTS GRADUATE HIGH SCHOOL demonstrating a love of learning and desire to achieve.
91% HORIZONS GRADUATES GO ON TO ATTEND COLLEGE or post-secondary education.
84% HORIZONS STUDENTS AND TEACHERS RETURN EVERY YEAR providing an unparalleled level of stability and ongoing support.